Welcome to Fremont United Methodist Church. Traditional Sunday Worship 9:00 am. We are located at 351 Butterfield St, Fremont, MI. A stepping stone to faith, love, and community.
Fremont United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A stepping stone to faith, love, & community

What to Expect

2 Give to the Lord the glory due his name!
    Bow down to the Lord in holy splendor!
Psalm 29:2 (CEB)
  Join us for coffee --Get connectedWhat should I wear?
 We are more concerned with what is inside a person than what's on the outside. The dress code  at Fremont UMC is: wear clothes
 Where do I park?
 We have parking on the west side of our church.  There are handicap spaces available on the  south side of the building.  If you need assistance entering the church, please pull up to the  covered awning.  
 Do my kids sit with me?
 At Fremont UMC we believe children are a vital part of our church family.  We want to make sure they are enjoying the learning as much as you are.  
During our Sunday Morning Worship, we will have quiet activities for your child to do. The pastor will share a special message with the children during this service. 
 Barrier Free/Handicap Accessible
 We are a bi-level facility with an elevator.  Our church is wheelchair accessible. We offer  Assistive Listening Devices that help ensure that everyone who joins us will be able to hear.  
 Will I be asked to give money?
 If it's your first time joining us, we actually want you to keep your wallet in your pocket.  Just  come and experience Fremont UMC.  If you like it and want to call it your home, then we believe  financial commitment to the place that grows you spiritually is critical.   Giving is a deeply  spiritual issue that we grow into as  we journey with Christ and each other.  
 Holy Communion
 At Fremont UMC, all are welcome to share Holy Communion.  This sharing of bread and juice  reminds us of God's gift through Jesus.  Holy Communion is the first Sunday of each month.
 What is the Sunday Service like?
Before or after the service stop by our coffee kiosk, grab a cup of coffee and meet some of the people that make our church the perfect blend.
At our Worship, we start the service with music.  It's ok if you don't know the words to the  songs.  The words to the songs are projected for everyone to see.  We share joys and prayer concerns.  We do take an offering.  We read scripture with a lesson to follow.  Our service usually last about an hour.  There are snacks and coffee offered after each service in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday Morning Worship    9:00 a.m.
Please join us for coffee--Coffee is ready to serve at 8:30 a.m.
Please join us for refreshments following worship