Welcome to Fremont United Methodist Church. Traditional Sunday Worship 9:00 am. We are located at 351 Butterfield St, Fremont, MI. A stepping stone to faith, love, and community.
Fremont United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A stepping stone to faith, love, & community
What if church was a 
When I church I...
play piano
teach kids about Jesus
help in the nursery
support the food pantry
visit those who are homebound
send cards to friends & family
drive a friend to a doctors appt.
make balloon animals
CHristian Chimers  beginner choir for young ones
Christian Chimers
praise band at the Shack
Praise Band at The Shack 


When you search for me, yes,
search for me with all your heart,
you will find me.
 Jeremiah 29:13 CEB
Regular Sunday Morning Schedule

Coffee is available before worship in Wesley Hall

 9 AM Sunday Worship

We do a YouTube live stream of the worship service through our Facebook page

You can also listen to the service from your car in the parking lot. Tune your radio to 99.9FM. 

DVDs of the service are available starting on Tuesday mornings on the bench in the entrance outside of the church office. Please contact the church office (924-0030) if you have any questions regarding DVD copies of worship. 

10 AM Coffee and Fellowship in Wesley Hall

(infant through age 4) (offered year round)
We offer a nursery for all of our worship services. Your young child will feel safe and secure playing with our caring volunteers during the worship service. The nursery has a large playroom, a quiet area, and an attached children's restroom.
Ministry with Seniors  (Temporarily suspended)
Worship at Transitional Health Care in Fremont
11:15 am every 4th Thursday of the month
On the third Saturday of every month, worship will take place at Transitional Health
Care in Fremont. All are welcome to come and attend this small devotion or worship
service with the residents of Transitional Health Care. 
Worship at Newaygo County Medical Care Facility
10:30 a.m. every 4th Thursday of the month
The fourth Thursday of every month, worship service held at the Newaygo County Medical Care
Facility. All are welcome to come and join this service with the residents 
of the facility.
Worship at Fountain View  
3 p.m. every 4th Sunday of the month         
The fourth Sunday of every month, worship service held at Fountain View.  
 All are welcome to come and join this service with the residents of the facility. 
Worship at Green Acres
2 p.m. every 4th Sunday of the month
The fourth Sunday of every month, worship service held at Green Acres. 
All are welcome to come worship with the residents of the facility.